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From what i've heard, it's mostly the same as the MG, just with classic backpack instead of the tactical arms. I thought it came with perfect grade style hands,Brand: Bandai; Title: MG MBF-02VV Gundam Astray Turn Red Limited Edition; Number: 0224809; Scale: 1:100; Type: Full kit; Released: 2018 | Rebox (Updated/New Bandai MG Gundam Astray Turn Red 1/100. Features. Scale: 1/100; 100% Authentic product; Grade: MG (Master Grade); Highly quality and detailed model plastic Our shop retails Master Grade 1/100 Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai (MG) (Gundam Model Kits) Mobile Suit Gundam Bandai 2072104 Gundam Kit/etc on the Web.
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